Buck Mountain Maple Syrup is…

Purely Delicious, Hand-Crafted Organic Maple Syrup Wood-Fired in the Buck Mountain Family Sugarhouse.  Buck Mountain Maple has been producing high quality maple syrup since 2000.

After a 5 year search for the right piece of land, in 1999 Matt Gedeon purchased Buck Mountain, in northern Vermont.

His passion for the land and his background in natural resource management combined with his diverse farming and sugar-making experience, led to his vision to build a long-term sustainable business based on Maple.  

Matt and his wife Gwyneth Flack began mapping out, designing and building the 300+ acre Buck Mountain Maple sugaring operation. 

“The key to purely delicious Buck Mountain Maple Syrup is in the stewarding, location and management of the Sugarbush. Preserving the mountain’s nutrient rich soil supports the growth of healthy Maple trees, producing high-quality organic sap. The high heat generated by the wood fired arch then caramelizes the sap creating exceptional flavor characteristics. Syrup is truly a gift from the trees and a precious commodity.” – Matt and Gwyneth


Where to Find our Maple Syrup

Buck Mountain Maple can be found at these fine stores:

City Market Downtown in Burlington, Vermont
City Market South End in Burlington, Vermont
Healthy Living in South Burlington, Vermont
Sweet Clover in Essex, Vermont
Steeple Market in Fairfax, Vermont
Bread and Butter Farm in South Burlington, Vermont